Damon Smith
Credentials: Department of Plant Pathology
Position title: The biology, epidemiology, and management of field crop diseases
Email: damon.smith@wisc.edu
My research interests focus on the biology, epidemiology, and management of field crop diseases. The information generated from my research directly services my extension program. This information is used to develop an integrated approach to managing diseases of field commodities using improved host resistance, cultural management, and chemical control techniques. My research also focuses on developing and improving disease forecasting systems that can be used to accurately advise fungicide applications. Reducing or eliminating fungicide applications through the use of integrated disease management is profitable for the grower, and is a positive step toward sustainability in 21st century agriculture.
My extension efforts focus on generating, evaluating, and disseminating solutions to many of the disease problems associated with field crops such as soybeans, corn, wheat and alfalfa. Information and potential solutions to disease problems are evaluated using applied research. Field studies include station and on-farm research to test epidemiological models, conduct pesticide evaluations, and improve the practical and biological understanding of various plant pathogens. I work closely with county extension agents, crop advisors, agribusinesses, and commodity groups to improve the management of the major diseases affecting field crops. I am responsible for developing disease management fact sheets, outreach courses, and electronic education resources. To learn more about Field Crops Pathology in Wisconsin, visit the BADGER CROP DOC RESOURCE