Linda Graham

Credentials: Department of Botany

Position title: Evolutionary origin of land plants, de novo genomic sequencing and metagenomics-based microbiomes of algae and plants


We are conducting metagenomics-based microbiome analysis and de novo genomic sequencing of algae and early-diverging land plants having established fossil records to:

1. infer the biogeochemical impacts of algae that have been ecologically prominent for hundreds of millions of years.
2. infer biogeochemical impacts of the first land plants.
3. better understand genetic, biochemical, structural, and reproductive transformations that occurred early in plant history.
4. design engineered systems that employ algae and early-diverging plants for new technological applications that include environmental remediation.
5. generate examples of bacterial, protist, and plant metagenomic and genomic systems for general biology and botany textbooks.